Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Think I Made It!

Heaven help me, I am trying to come into the computer age! Beth has begged me to start this blog because she feels that it will be entertaining for others. I personally felt like who wants to hear about me, so I will try to keep it light and funny. I have used up about an hour trying to set this up, and forgot to write down my URL (I had to try several). Hopefully, I will be able to get back here tomorrow or when I find time! This could be very time consuming and my house may go to pieces for it, but I do like to read others' so.... here goes!


  1. Welcome;) Welcome;) Thank you so much now I can keep up with the craziness of the Donner Party of Six!

  2. Hi Deb,
    I think it will be fun to read about the Donner party! I always enjoy your stories. Your daily life is never a dull moment!
